Getting out of one blanket on winter morning is one of the most torturous things that you will ever endure in life! But there is no alternative to going to office, which is why there are a few things that you can do to stay warm on your daily office commutes, and since these tips apply for everybody, you can use this for going to the market or going to school or for dropping your kids for their tuition classes. Let's get started. Anti-fogging helmets
The first and most fundamental things that you need for same one on a winter morning commute is a good quality full face brand-new motorcycle helmet, particularly one with an anti-fogging visor technology. The most effective of them is known as the Pinlock® technology, which is microstructures on both side of the prices that prevent the problem of fogging completely. check for motorcycle helmets that come with this technology which will prevent the problem of fogging irrespective after cold weather outside which is very important especially when riding in the dark when you don't want anything to obstruct your view of the road ahead. If you do not have a helmet with Pinlock® technology, you can also rub a little toothpaste and wipe it off with a soft cotton cloth which will reduce the problem of Fogging, but It will not eliminate the problem entirely.
Jackets & Windcheaters
in addition to motorcycle helmet, you will also need other riding gears such as jackets and wind cheaters to keep the body warm against cold chilly wind. Choose riding jacket that is made of leather for best comfort, but you can also opt for fabric mesh materials which are also quite effective. You can double the protection by wearing a windcheater on top of the jacket just for additional weather protection. Windcheaters are made of nylon which is also inherently waterproof so the dew drops won't settle down on your body thereby keeping you warmer. Gloves
There's nothing worse than frozen fingers while riding a motorcycle. You can prevent that from happening by investing in good quality motorcycle riding gloves which are made of leather or fabric mesh materials, both of which are quite effective, but we definitely recommend the latter because it does not require as much attention and care as a leather gloves will need! look for full gauntlet motorcycle riding clubs which provide additional protection up to the wrist section. Semi gauntlet designs are good for riding during the summer so we don’t recommend them for using in winter months.
Boots & woolen socks
Just as the fingers become numb with cold, your feet will also a endure similar problem if you do not keep it well protected. A good way to protect your feet from going numb is to wear ankle high boots with woollen socks inside. Look for specifically designed motorcycle riding boots which do not have laces, because laces come with the hazard of getting tangled with the gear mechanism of the motorcycle, which can lead to an accident. Having the right pair of motorcycle riding boots is more important when you're going on long distance winter vacation trips, because you will have to ride through open stretches of highway where the where the air is cooler than the air inside a city or a town.
Just wearing a jacket will not completely protect you from the cold temperature outside. You will also need to wear proper thermal clothing inside the jacket to keep the body temperature trapped within. most of these are made of wooden products, but there are also other synthetic products which are equally effective in keeping the body temperature from escaping outside. Make sure to purchase light thermal clothing because the thicker it is, more difficult it becomes to control the temperature when the sun begins to rise on the horizon. Balaclava/Skullcap
In special winter wedding circumstances when the temperature is really cold, you might also need to wear a balaclava or a skull cap inside the motorcycle helmet. choose the product so that it does not mess up with the fitting of the helmet on your head. Balaclavas are better than skull caps in our opinion because it extends today entire surface of the face and extends below to the neck, which will keep your neck warm as well.
Ankle-high boots
last but not the least, you will also need a good pair of ankle high motorcycle riding boots which will keep your lower extremities protected against a cool temperature. An ankle high boot is better than normal boots because it will overlap with riding pants and prevent any chance of cold wind sipping inside.